More and more people are discovering the enormous potential of drones.
When hiring a drone pilot, be aware that currently it is against CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) regulations to fly a drone for commercial gain unless you have the required certification. Both the pilot flying the actual drone, and the business that is conducting the operation require such certification. Remember that when it comes to drone operations, safety always comes first.
Here are 6 things that simply can’t be ignored.
Check the operator’s certifications
Don’t judge by possession. It would be unwise of you to consider a person a professional drone pilot simply because you saw them with a GoPro mounted to a drone. The pilot of a drone must have a UAV Controllers certificate, and the business must have a UAV Operators Certificate (UOC).
Check a UAV operator’s insurance
Public Liability Insurance for UAV’s is ONLY available to certified operators. Important to note that drones have the potential to bring down a passenger plane. They also have multiple rotor blades spinning at up to 12,000 RPM and have the potential to inflict terrible injury to people and damage to property. A drone operator having insurance is vital.
Check a drone operator’s experience
Being a wiz at flying a drone is often not enough. Other skills such as knowing how to inspect buildings, knowing thermal imaging, being experienced in cinematography, cutting, editing and finishing should all form part of a productive drone operator’s service.
Check that policies and procedures are in place within a drone operator’s business
Always request confirmation that there are policies and procedures in place to ensure safe drone flying operations. Operators should follow the CASA rules and have procedures for flight plans and flight logs, as well as understanding how to manage any potential privacy issues. Always request to see the drone operator’s flight authorisation documents. These will summarise the flight operation and will include sign off from the Chief Pilot in charge of the operation.
Check that a JSA (job safety assessment) has been prepared
Preparing a JSA is part of the UAV regulations for each and every flight. Always request a copy of the risk assessment and job safety assessment from the drone pilot.
Always consider the place you are wanting to film or inspect
Is the drone operation over a populated area, city or restricted area? Is it near a military zone or close to an airport? Always ask the operator to check whether the area is safe to fly in. It will form part of the flight authorisation documentation as stated earlier. Consider that one of the main concerns from the general public regarding the use of drones for photography is privacy. Any operations must comply with the privacy act of 1988.
National Drones is set to become Australia’s safest, most recognised, aerial photography and aerial service provider utilising drones. We are committed to conducting our business, conducting our flights and conducting ourselves in a way that earns admiration and is beyond reproach.
Call National Drones today to book a free demonstration to discover how using one of National Drones fully insured, licensed and experienced UAV controllers can help you cut costs, deliver efficiencies and save time.